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Choose Kindness
Creating a Culture
of Kindness

There’s nothing I really wanted to do in life that I wasn’t able to get good at. That’s my skill. I’m not really specifically talented at anything except for the ability to learn.

We want to help
You Create a Culture of Kindness in your School!

"As a citizen, grandparent, father, and professional, it is clear to me that the mission of schools must include teaching kindness. Without it, communities, families, schools, and classrooms become places of incivility where lasting learning is unlikely to take place.... We need to be prepared to teach kindness, because it can be delayed due to maltreatment early in life. It can be smothered under the weight of poverty, and it can be derailed by victimization later in life.... Kindness can be taught, and it is a defining aspect of civilized human life. It belongs in every home, school, neighborhood, and society."
Maurice Elias, Rutgers University Psychology Professor

Choose Kindness belongs in YOUR school!

"Kind schools are more effective at helping students succeed, both in school and in life.
At schools where educators intentionally teach, foster, and celebrate kindness, students feel a greater sense of safety, support, and acceptance." (
To aid you in your school’s kindness efforts, we have created a program that infuses Kindness into your daily school life.

Choose Kindness Program Provides

Implementation Kit
Monthly Themes with 4 lessons each
Daily Kindness Thought
Lists of ideas for activities
Lists of ideas for service projects
Choose Kindness Pledge
A Choose Kindness Banner
Kindness Month Plans
Kindness Week Plans
Access to support and collaboration center
Access to Library of Resources
Jimmer Fredette and Fredette Family Foundation support

Choose Kindness Quick Look

The Choose Kindness program membership grants you access to an online portal which houses all of your resources.
Our Choose Kindness program offers a unique kindness pledge to recite at each meeting or daily in the classroom.
The curriculum offers 9 monthly themes with 4 lessons each for the school year. Each lesson is presented in an easy to use and executable format requiring minimal preparation and consisting of a Jimmerism, share, discussion, activity, challenge, and journal writing section. (Curriculum has been adapted from Random Acts of Kindness from their evidence-based social emotional learning curriculum and other sources credited in each lesson.)
A Choose Kindness facilitator is assigned to each school to provide training, aid in implementation of the program, and provide continued support.

Take Note

The following applies to Choose Kindness school year 2021-22:
Choose Kindness is currently offered at the Elementary (K-6) level. (Look for expansion into secondary schools in the near future)
Choose Kindness is only available through a Grant from the Cook Center for Human Connection.

Thanks to the generous partnership and donation of the Cook Center for Human Connection, the Choose Kindness Program costs are covered 100% by a grant for the first year, with reduced and marginal maintenance costs in subsequent years.

Apply for

Choose Kindness Grant

Choose Kindness grant application available Spring 2022

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